Matisyahu was born on June 30, 1979.
Matisyahu was born on June 30, 1979.
The cast of Matisyahu Live - 2012 includes: Matisyahu Joe Tomino
The cast of One on One with Matisyahu - 2009 includes: Matisyahu as himself
No, Matisyahu is not a Christian singer. He is Jewish by heritage and in his religion.
Matisyahu's birth name is Matthew Paul Miller.
Matisyahu (Matthew Paul Miller) is 38 years old (birthdate: June 30, 1979).
One Day - Matisyahu song - was created on 2009-06-23.
The cast of Matisyahu - 2004 includes: Matisyahu as Vocals Jonah David as Drums Aaron Dugan as Guitar Jeff Kargar as Keys Josh Werner as Bass
No. Matisyahu is not a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (the "Mormon" church). He is a Hasidic Jew.
I wouldn't say Matisyahu is quite mainstream but he has some sold out concerts and has 10's of millions of views on youtube.