Greta Van Susteren went to University of Wisconsin–Madison (BA)Georgetown University (JD)
Maggie Gyllenhall was the female lead iirc, Kirsten Dunst was not in it, unless she had a cameo I am not aware of
Kirsten Dunst's birth name is Kirsten Caroline Dunst.
Kirsten Dunst is a/an Actress
kIRSTEN dUNST...tO dA bEST oF mY bELIEF.... It is Kirsten Dunst
Kirsten Dunst has 1 child
Yes, Kirsten Dunst has 1 kids
Yes, Kirsten Dunst has 1 kids
Kirsten Dunst has 1 child
Kirsten Dunst was born on April 30, 1982.
Kirsten Dunst was born on April 30, 1982.
Kirsten Dunst was born on April 30, 1982
Yes, Kirsten Dunst starred in the movie "Jumanji" as Judy, when she was a teenager.
if you go to wikipedia and type in Kirsten dunst it should tell you all the movies she has been in through out her career. xxxx