Haley Pikhart goes by Hazel.
Anastacia McPherson's birth name is Anastacia Rose McPherson.
Michaela McPherson was born on November 20, 1991, in New York, New York, USA.
Aimee Semple McPherson - 2006 is rated/received certificates of: USA:PG
Haley McPherson is 5' 9".
Aaron McPherson goes by MAC.
Taylor McPherson goes by McFierce.
Haley Nero goes by Haley Boogs.
Haley Pikhart goes by Hazel.
Haley Hoffman goes by Hay.
Elizabeth Haley goes by Lizzie, and Liz.
Haley Joel Osment goes by HJO.
The address of the Mcpherson Public Library is: 214 W. Marlin, Mcpherson, 67460 4218
The address of the Mcpherson Museum is: Po Box 502, Mcpherson, KS 67460-0502
Haley went home. Lauren and Scotty are in the finale
Alex Haley didn't but the underground railroad did and he wrote a book about that.