Eddie Thiel goes by Eddie.
Eddie Guillaume goes by Erupt.
Fella Edmonds goes by Eddie.
Ed McCaffrey goes by Eddie Mac.
Ed Lavelle goes by Eddie, and Ed.
Eddie Guardado's birth name is Edward Adrian Guardado.
Eddie Guardado was born on October 2, 1970.
Eddie Guardado was born on October 2, 1970.
Eddie Guardado is 41 years old (birthdate: October 2, 1970).
Eddie Guardado was born October 2, 1970, in Stockton, CA, USA.
Eddie Guardado is 6 feet tall. He weighs 195 pounds. He bats right and throws left.
In 2008, Eddie Guardado played in 55 games for the Texas Rangers, batting in 3 of them. He had 0 at bats. In 2008, Eddie Guardado played in 9 games for the Minnesota Twins, batting in 0 of them. He had at bats.
not much
In 2006, Eddie Guardado played in 28 games for the Seattle Mariners, batting in 4 of them. He had 0 at bats. In 2006, Eddie Guardado played in 15 games for the Cincinnati Reds, batting in all of them. He had 0 at bats.
Eddie Thiel goes by Eddie.
Eddie Phanichkul goes by Eddie.
Eddie Garrett went by Eddie.