Morgan Fairchild goes by Little Bird.
Morgan (the name) does not have a meaning, it is just a pretty name. Mahlebashian does nto go along with it. I know this one girl named Morgan Amanda Mahlebashian. Amanda is also a pretty name.
Alfred Burke is 6' 1".
Orianthi goes by Ori.
Avicii goes by Avicii.
Bartley Burke goes by The Business.
Clarence Burke went by Jonnie.
Kathy Burke goes by Kath.
Maclean Burke goes by Mac.
Burke Pushman goes by Bevo.
Michael Patrick Burke goes by Colonel.
Frankie Burke went by Brooklyn Red, and The Earl of Warwick.
Karim Morgan goes by Mitta Morgan.
Burke Morgan is 6' 3".
Solomon Burke went by The Bishop of Soul, and The King of Rock and Soul.
Morgan MacKew goes by Mo.
Morgan Johansson goes by Mojje.