Harry Rodger Webb; Birth Date: 14th October 1940 Harry Webb
Ayla Kell's birth name is Ayla Marie Kell.
Ahhh yeah she does. Because name is Ayla Lise Langford and I most certaintly rule, so there for any of the other Ayla Lise Langfords out there, my word to them, is that they rule also. But I rule the most.
She was shot in the the back by the clones.
1 kid ayla female
Ayla Webb is 5' 5 1/2".
Lizzie Webb goes by "Mad" Lizzie Webb.
Alexandra Fulton goes by Ayla, and Ali.
Robin Webb goes by Robin.
Morgan Webb goes by Webbie.
Rita Webb went by Podge.
Volieda Webb goes by Vee.
Cassandra Webb goes by Madame Web.
Kaye Webb went by Fat Puffin.
Webb Pierce went by The Wondering Boy.
Jessica Nicole Webb goes by Jess.
Harry Rodger Webb; Birth Date: 14th October 1940 Harry Webb