Irma Dorantes's birth name is Aguirre Martnez, Irma.
Irma S. Raker was born in 1938.
Irma Leoni was born on January 11, 1903.
Irma Leoni died on February 11, 2002.
Irma Lozano died on October 21, 2013, in Mexico, Distrito Federal, Mexico of cancer.
Irma Grese was born on October 7, 1923.
Irma Grese was born on October 7, 1923.
Irma Grese died on December 13, 1945 at the age of 22.
Irma Grese was born on October 7, 1923 and died on December 13, 1945. Irma Grese would have been 22 years old at the time of death or 91 years old today.
Irma Serrano goes by La Tigresa.
Irma Thomas goes by The Soul Queen of New Orleans.
Irma Grese was a particularly sadistic female concentration camp guard, first at Auschwitz (Women's Camp), then at Bergen-Belsen. She was convicted of a range of crimes at the Bergen-Belsen Trial (August-November 1945) and hanged in December 1945 at the age of 23.
Jocelyn Padilla goes by Monroe, Irma, and Paddy.
Norma Arrostito went by Gaby, Irma, and La Gaviota.
I searched through references on Helene Grese and Irma Grese. I could not find what happened to her after the Nuremberg Trials. I suggest you contact some of the museums in Germany. Ask the museums if they have any information about her. It could be in Germany they know all about her and she could have even been profiled on television over there. So try the museums on the link I have provided for you below.
It was Irma Grese, Senior SS Supervisor who was hanged for her crimes on 13 December 1945. She was known as "The Lamp Shade Lady". Allegations of this nature were made against Irma Grese (as stated) at the Bergen-Belsen trial and also against Ilse Koch, the wife of the commandant of Buchenwald. However, they were not specifically charged with crimes relating to the use of human skin.
Darla Grese is 5' 1".