Kyra Sedgwick goes by Kiko.
Kyra Sedgwick's birth name is Kyra Minturn Sedgwick.
Adam Sedgwick was born on 1785-03-22.
Edie McClurg was born on July 23, 1951.
Edie Kerouac Parker died in 1993, in USA.
Edie Sedgwick's birth name is Edith Minturn Sedgwick.
Edie Sedgwick was born on April 20, 1943.
According to Sedgwick?cat=music_celebrities Edie Sedgwick was 5' 4" (1.63 M)
Edie Sedgwick died on November 16, 1971 at the age of 28.
Kaleena Sedgwick goes by Keena.
Kyra Sedgwick goes by Kiko.
Susan Edie goes by Sooz Edie.
Edie Sedgwick's eyes were brown. They have been described as anthracite colored, and they have also been described as being the color of a twice frozen Hershey bar. Her eyes were beautiful, and she made them even more beautiful with carefully applied eye makeup.
Acting, of course!
Christopher Kenney goes by Edie.
Edith Mooers goes by Edie.