Bette Davis went by The Fifth Warner Brother, and The First Lady of Film.
Lou Whitaker goes by Sweet Lou.
Matthew Ryan Williams goes by MattBeard.
Tallulah Novogratz goes by Talu, Lou, Sweetlou, and Lula.
Pharrell Williams goes by Pha-real, Lil' Skateboard P, and P. Willy.
Lyndsey Walker goes by Louby Lou, and Lynz.
Sandra Lou goes by Lou.
Lou Gorman went by Lou.
Lou Henry goes by Lou, and Lou Henry.
Lou Whitaker goes by Sweet Lou.
Lou Charles goes by Big Lou.
Lou Hudson goes by Sweet Lou.
Lou Albano went by Loud Lou, and Captain Lou.
Lou Christie goes by Lightnin' Lou Christie.
Lou Veloso goes by Lou Truman Veloso.
Lou Zucaro goes by Louie.
Lou Angeli went by Flash.
Lou Groza went by The Toe.