Anton Chekhov went by Antosha Chekhonte.
Diane LaVey's birth name is Diane Hegarty.
Lylith Lavey is 163 cm.
Orianthi goes by Ori.
Avicii goes by Avicii.
Anton LaVey was born on April 11, 1930.
Anton LaVey was born on April 11, 1930.
Anton LaVey's birth name is Howard Stanton Levey.
Anton LaVey died on October 29, 1997 at the age of 67.
Anton LaVey died on October 29, 1997 at the age of 67.
No. Anton LaVey was not a Mason, nor were any aspects of Satanic philosophy masonically inclined.
Anton LaVey was born on April 11, 1930 and died on October 29, 1997. Anton LaVey would have been 67 years old at the time of death or 85 years old today.
Anton LaVey, whose real name is Howard Stanton Levey, is an American author and musician with a particular interest in the occult. He founded the Church of Satan and wrote The Satanic Bible. Anton LaVey died in 1997.
San Francisco.
Anton LaVey
Anton LaVey