The news received by Gandalf was that the Gobin armies and Wargs were joinding forces or getting together.
In the 3rd Chapter of The Hobbit 'A Short Rest', Gandalf and Thorin show their swords to Elrond at Rivendell. He tells them they were made by the High Elves of the West. In Riddles in the Dark, Bilbo pulls out his sword and it glows in the dark. He thought it rather splendid to be wearing a sword that glowed the way Gandalf and Thorin's swords did. Bilbo's little sword, which he later gives the name 'Sting', is of the same design and has the same magic.
After escaping the Goblins initially during the first attack, he follows the Goblins and their captives to the Goblintown. When the Great Goblin was about to attack Thorin, Gandalf revealed himself, drawing his sword, Glamdring, white emitted burning, white sparks that burned into the Goblins around him. He slew the Great Goblin and led the Dwarves out of the tunnels in the confusion, Bilbo accidentally getting lost along the way out.
At the unexpected party, Gandalf gives Thorin a map of the Lonely Mountain, which has information about a secret door and the key to the secret door.
Gandalf knows that Gollum is not entirely evil. There is still the good "Smeagol" side to him. Even though he is very wise Gandalf cannot see the ultimate fate of the Ring, but he senses that Gollum will have some part to play for good or evil, so, like he says, "the pity of Bilbo [and himself] may rule the fate of many." Also, Gandalf is not the type of person who will kill recklessly. And he himself, good and powerful though he is, has been tempted by the Ring's power, so he can vaguely understand Gollum's misery. Gandalf is very much like Jesus, who was tempted by Satan and can understand, though not agree with, a human's lust for power and easily corruptible heart.
He was so busy cleaning up after the party and breakfast that he never got around to his normal dusting.Bilbo had been too busy cleaning up. The dwarves had made their own breakfast and left all the dirty dishes. If he had followed his normal routine, he would have dusted the mantle much earlier in the morning.
That Gandalf was an old man who made particularly neat fireworks.
They take weapons, Gandalf and Thorin get their elven made swards and Bilbo finds his sword Sting. They also take the gold and silver the trolls had stolen and buried it, later on the return trip Bilbo and Gandalf retrieve it.
There were already thirteen dwarves and the only reason they needed another to accompany them was due to thirteen being an unfortunate number. Bilbo was made the fourteenth mainly because of the unlucky number 13.
After Bilbo puts on the Ring and turns invisible, Gollum cannot find him, and thinks he has made his way towards the exit. Gollum heads to the exit and Bilbo follows him.
Gandalf made the comment to Bilbo. He said something about there being more than meets the eye about Bilbo. He also said it to Frodo. Both times it was after they escaped from the Misty mountains.
The wood elves capture the dwarves for trespassing in their lands without permission. They would have captured Bilbo too, if not for the fact that he was wearing a magical ring that made him invisible.
Glamdring, Orcrist, and Sting are found. These blades were made by the High Elves of the First Age in Gondolin. Glamdring was the blade used by Turgon, king of Gondolin. Glamdring later became the sword used by Gandalf. Orcrist became the blade used by Thorin, and Sting was Bilbo's sword. Sting was not called Sting when it was made. Bilbo named it that after killing spiders in Mirkwood.
In the 3rd Chapter of The Hobbit 'A Short Rest', Gandalf and Thorin show their swords to Elrond at Rivendell. He tells them they were made by the High Elves of the West. In Riddles in the Dark, Bilbo pulls out his sword and it glows in the dark. He thought it rather splendid to be wearing a sword that glowed the way Gandalf and Thorin's swords did. Bilbo's little sword, which he later gives the name 'Sting', is of the same design and has the same magic.
Well they only made 3 but there coming out with another movie for its a prequel it has gandalf and Bilbo and i think a few dwerfs the movie is when Bilbo finds the ring. There are three LOTR movies:~ 'The Fellowship of the Ring', 'The Two Towers', and 'The Return of the King'. Currently, preparations are being made for filming of 'The Hobbit' in New Zealand. This will be made as two movies. The storyline will follow the book of the same title.
Of course!! Bilbo "wondered whether he ought not, now he had the magic ring, to go back into the horrible, horrible, tunnels and look for his friends. He had just made up his mind that it was his duty, that he must turn back-and very miserable he felt about it, when he heard voices."
After escaping the Goblins initially during the first attack, he follows the Goblins and their captives to the Goblintown. When the Great Goblin was about to attack Thorin, Gandalf revealed himself, drawing his sword, Glamdring, white emitted burning, white sparks that burned into the Goblins around him. He slew the Great Goblin and led the Dwarves out of the tunnels in the confusion, Bilbo accidentally getting lost along the way out.
At the unexpected party, Gandalf gives Thorin a map of the Lonely Mountain, which has information about a secret door and the key to the secret door.