What Instrument did John Philip Sousa
what instrument does jimmy barnes play
no that was Actor Sean Hayes who played Jerry Lewis in that movie "Martin And Lewis".
The Cornet.
Chicago In 2006, Huey Lewis made his Broadway debut in the six-time Tony award-winning musical Chicago, starring as attorney Billy Flynn.
Huey Lewis never played at Antone's in Austin, Texas, but the venture has featured a Huey Lewis tribute band several times.
1 third of the children
No James Bond does not play a musical instrument in any of the Bond films.
Shatatantu is a musical instrument of the Vedic period.
== John Lewis Played The Well Known Instrument, Piano.
A musical instrument is best defined as any device that can be played and produces an audible sound. Preferable the musical instrument can play a range of different notes or can play a variety of different rhythms.
A lot of people play musical instruments. :)
the bugle
It depends on the instrument