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Q: What musical group can open any safe?
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Is it safe for a couple to have group sex?

If the couple engages in safe sex practices, group sex is just as safe as any other form of sex.

How old do you have to be to form a step or singing group?

your never to young or old to form any type of musical group :)

Where online can a person find the lyrics for the song Welcome To The Club by the musical group Manian?

Someone looking for the lyrics for the song Welcome To The Club by the musical group Manian could find them on any musical site. Also, sites that upload videos might have the lyrics as well.

Is acrylic safe?

If you are referring to acrylic paint, it is safe. If there is any concern concerning ventilation, an open window is sufficient

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It is not conclusively known if GMO foods are safe for any age group.

The form of call-and-response most typically encountered in any musical style is one in which?

The call is given by the soloist and response by the group

What is perform?

Performance is the way in which something or someone performs. It can be a musical, dramatic or any other entertainment presented in front of a group or an audience.

What musical can you do?

you can perform any musical as long as it isn't on broadway. any other musical you can license and put on.

What are the requirements in Minnesota to open a group home?

Currently that law does not allow any new corporate group homes to open within Minnesota. Family based non-corporate group homes where the owner resides at the residence are still allowed new license applications.

What is an musical organ?

An organic music group is a music group without any instruments. They sing together in unison and are naturally talented and do not need backup singers or computer programs to manipulate their sound.

When was the group Niyaz formed and do they have any number one songs in the US?

Niyaz is an Iranian-American musical group. They were formed in 2005. They do not seem to have made any number one songs yet. Their most recent release was the Sumud Acoustic EP.

Are there any safe spots in godwars dongen when you are fight the generals on runescape?

No, chances are if you are not in a group, then you will be under constant attack.