I'm not sure it fits anywhere but if it does, it wouldn't be percussion as you don't hit your voicebox to make a sound. I'd hazard an educated guess at Strings
The musical term for a singing voice that vibrates is vibrato. It is produced by rapidly changing the pitch just slightly.
Easy Listening
solo voice and piano
Different form of musical communication that employ the human voice........ defuq
Yes, Alan Alda is not the voice of Victor on "Family Guy." It is indeed Jeff Bergman.
it belongs in the woodwind family
a sackbut belongs to the woodwind family
Cousin of the piano
The alto recorder belongs to the woodwind family.
it belongs in the wood wind family
The alto recorder belongs to the woodwind family.
If you mean the soprano 'saxophone' then it is the woodwind family, but if you are talking soprano as in the voice part, then it is the voice family I suppose.
Percussion because you have to tap or hit somthing.