Sandra Orlow has not been in any movies yet.
West Side Story
Sandra B's birth name is Sandra Martins Botelho.
Fame-Girls Sandra's real name: Sasha Sandra Durpfen; aka Sandra Orlow.
Sandra Oh's birth name is Sandra Miju Oh.
Sandra Oh was born on July 20, 1971.
Sandra Oh was born on July 20, 1971.
Sandra Oh plays Cristina Yang on Grey's Anatomy.
Sandra Oh is of Korean descent and was raised in a Christian household, but it is not publicly known what her current religious beliefs or practices are.
Sandra Bullock is an actress. In movies such as The Blind Side, The Proposal, Speed, Crash, and Miss Congeniality.
Sandra Bullock
Because she is in SOOO many movies.
115 lbs
Sandra Orlow has not been in any movies yet.
The Blind Side. The Proposal. All About Steve.
sandra oh