Elisha Cuthbert has not been nude in any of her movies. There was a small indie movie that she she starred in called "He was Quite a Man" but it is believed that she used a body double.
No movies
The Truth
Blown Away
Yes, Julie Bowen has appeared partially nude in some scenes for movies she has been in. She appeared nude in the movie, Amy's O.
To my knowledge Dolly as never psoed nude for movies or photos
No movies
The Truth
Blown Away
Almost all of them. :p
The American professional wrestler and singer, Mickie James, has not been seen nude on any official movies. However, she did pose nude for the magazine Leg Show.
Yes, Julie Bowen has appeared partially nude in some scenes for movies she has been in. She appeared nude in the movie, Amy's O.
To my knowledge Dolly as never psoed nude for movies or photos
There isn't a movie she was nude in.
Julia Roberts is not known to have done any nude scenes in her movies.
Pretty muchly EVERY film she's been in. It's sick!
All of them have had nude scenes in movies. Alyssa Millano and Shannon Doherty have had nude photo shoots