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Will Stronghold(Sky High)

Will Smith(Fresh Prince of Bel Air)

that's all I can think about right now sorry I don't watch too much TV

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Q: What movies have a character named Will or William etc?
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What ia a character?

(I hope the is an is*)a character is a person in a story, show, movies, etc. along with a MAIN character the person who most important

How many marvel moives have been released?

There have been round-a-bout 45 movies, if you're including the animated movies. If you're talking about movies strictly based off their comic character such as the x-men, Blade, Punisher, and Captain America etc, there have been 32.

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Changeless character,fixed character,passive character...etc. look up static on google and you will get a lot of synonyms.

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The kind of information that is available on the Star Wars Wiki page include things like a biography of each character, information about all of the movies and the scenes included, etc.

What do Fiji citizens do to have fun?

Like everyone else. Partying, movies, picnic, clubbing etc etc.

Where can you watch movies and shows?

TV, Netflix, Red Box, Roku, Netflix on Wii, buying movies from stores, etc.

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Japanese media often include one eyed characters as a show of that character's struggles and hardships, symbolized by the loss of one eye. It has gotten to the point that even humorous Japanese anime have included at least one character with only one eye.