The documentary movie 'I Can't Marry You' is based on gay marriage. Other movies that are linked to gay marriage are 'Noah's Arc', 'Doing Time on Maple Drive' and 'Howl'.
The Wrestler
In California, there are literally hundreds of online Hindi movies to choose from. Netflix offers Hindi movies in their foreign language section, while other sites such as BigFlix specialize in Hindi movies. Many of them are dubbed or feature English subtitles.
It featured in "Ferris Beuller's Day off"
Americans are socialized to enjoy movies and video games that feature a high degree of violence. However, most Americans do not enjoy violence in their personal lives and would never hurt another person physically.
Ian McKellen isn't in any of the Harry Potter movies. You are probably confusing The Lord of the Rings movies with the Harry Potter movies. Ian McKellan plays the wizard Gandalf in The Lord of the Rings movies. The Harry Potter movies also feature a wise, elderly yet powerful wizard with a long white beard -- Albus Dumbledore -- but he is played by Richard Harris in the first two Harry Potter movies, and Michael Gambon in all the subsequent ones.
No! You have to get a marriage license for a marriage to be valid.
You don't... There is not a marriage feature nor is there a pregnancy feature on Woozworld.
A double feature is when two things are featured one after the other. This typically applies to movies, such as when two movies are shown at a drive-in movie theater.
No. If marriage is an available feature you get to choose from the set of marriage candidates.
True Blood
Hurricane Season
The Wrestler
There are many more then 5 movies that feature kung fu.
trading places
She has been in 22 feature movies, 8 TV movies, and 9 TV series.
there are 14 movies if you include the feature length episode of bardock