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They're not in a Movie. They Are In A Band Though. My Chemical Romance.

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โˆ™ 15y ago
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โˆ™ 17y ago

They're in Punk Rock Holocaust...

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Q: What movie were Mikey Way Ray Toro and Frank Iero in?
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Who are the people in the band mcr?

Gerard Way, Mikey Way, Frank Iero, and Ray Toro.

What are the member's of the band My Chemical Romance?

Frank Iero, Bob Bryer, Gerard Way, Mikey Way, and Ray Toro

Who are Gerard Way Mikey Way Ray Toro Frank Iero Rob Briar?

The members of the band My Chemical Romance.Gerard is the leading vocals, guitarists Ray Toro and Frank_Iero, and bassist Mikey Way.

What is My Chemical Romance's real name?

Current members of the group are Gerard Way, Ray Toro, Frank Iero, Mikey Way,

What band consists of Gerard Way Mikey Way Ray Toro Frank Iero and Bob Bryar?

My Chemical Romance, Obviously.

Who are the members of My Chemical Romance?

Frank Iero - Rhythm Guitar Gerard Way - Vocals Mikey Way - Bass Ray Toro - Lead Guitar.

What are the names of the band your chemical romance?

if ya mean my chemical romance theres frank iero, mikey way, gerard way and ray toro

What are the names of your chemical romance members 2011?

Gerard Way- vocalist Frank iero- guitarist Ray toro- guitarist Mikey way- bassist

Who is jet star from mcr?

Party Poison- Gerard Way Jet Star- Ray Toro Frank Iero- Fun Ghoul Mikey Way- Kobra Kid

How old are all of the members of mychemical romance?

Oldest to Youngest: Gerard Way 34 Ray Toro 34 Mikey Way 31 Frank Iero 30

Does ray toro smoke?

no. gerard and frank smoke but toro and mikey dont

How many people play in my chemical romance?

There are five people who play in MCR. They are currently: Gerard Way - lead vocals. Mikey Way - bass guitar. Ray Toro - lead guitar and backing vocals. Frank Iero- rythym guitar and backing vocals. Bob Bryar - drums and percussion.