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It was not in a movie, it was in the television show Seinfeld.

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Q: What movie was the phrase he's giving me the stink eye in?
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What does the term ' stink eye' mean?

From Urban Dictionary: a look of contempt or disdain. a loaded glance. "Look, I'm sorry but that's the way it is. Stop being a sour-puss. I see you giving me the stink-eye".

What does the phrase second eye mean?

It means reading through a document for mistakes etc, giving it a second eye so to say

What does stink eye mean?

when u give a person attitude

Does evil eye ward off evil?

Not really. Depends on what you're implying. If you're talking about a game spell or something I have no idea but if you're talking about the phrase "Giving someone the evil eye." The answer is maybe? The idea of giving someone the "evil eye" is a glare to warn the person that: 1) You're in soooo much trouble now. (Ex: Your mother giving you the evil eye.) 2) Bring it on.

Where did 'stink eye' originate?

The term 'stink eye' is believed to have originated in the United States, specifically in African American Vernacular English (AAVE). It refers to a hostile or dirty look given to someone, often conveying disapproval or annoyance. The exact origins of the phrase are unclear, but it has been in use since at least the 1960s.

What is the right phrase bubble of my eye or able of my eye?

You may be thinking of the phrase "apple of my eye" which means something or someone cherished above others.

Where does the phrase an eye for an eye come from?

From the old testament of the bible.

What is the movie title 'Up in the air' in the Portuguese of Portugal?

The phrase 'Nas Nuvens', which is pronounced as 'neye*-zhnoo-vengzh and translated literally as 'in the clouds', is a Portuguese equivalent in Portugal to the title of the movie 'In the air'.*The sound 'eye' is similar to the sound in the English noun 'eye'.

How is the phrase eye of the storm translated from English to Japanese?

The closest phrase I can think of is "arashi no me," which literally means "eye of the storm."

Which eye is brighter than the other in the phrase "one eye is brighter than the other"?

The phrase "one eye is brighter than the other" suggests that one eye is more luminous or shining than the other.

Where did the term stink eye originate?

I see on here some people think this is a surfer term that came from eyes rotting and some think it is a back side term but my grandfather told me years ago it was the look you get when you fart in church

What does hit you in the one that stink and not the one that blink mean?

Sounds like it means I hit you in the butt hole not the eye.