Cinque was scared and trying to protect his family so he picked up a rock and threw it, he was amazed that it actually killed the lion.
You're probably thinking of Selena, but that wasn't her maid who killed her--it was a woman who ran Selena's fan club, and was something of a personal assistant.
Well after his parents were killed he didn't but he is now married to Ginny Weasley with three children. He has a very large extended family due to his marriage into the Wealsey family.
Season 9 Episode 1
Who and where was the quote from regarding family..that he stated came from Hoyt ???/ Long in the episode when his wife was killed.
If Mesopotamia was where he settled probably him, cause everyone else was killed in the flood.
this is probably because of the fact that he killed himself with his family :( :(
Yes. If I killed your family, would you send me to prison? Well... you'd probably want me killed. I live in Australia, I'm safe!
She killed themshe killed themshe killed them!
He was using drugs. He was very paranoid and needed mental help which he never got. He just lost it one night and killed them. I guess he probably felt so guilty about it that he killed himself.All of this is only a guess. No one will ever know exactly why he did it.
As far as I know Ronald DeFeo, Jr. killed his entire family. He is still in prison for those murders.
jews were the first who were killed at the stsrt of holocaust
Anastasia and her family were killed during the Russian Revolution of 1917.
No. The Air Nomads were Aang's family and they were killed.
The US Army had killed Geronimo's family including his mother (No offense).
you would ether be killed or shunned away from your family i think you would ether be killed or shunned away from your family i think
Quan Chi disguised himself as Sub-zero and killed his family. Then he brought Scorpion back to life and made him think Sub-zero killed his family so that Scorpion could kill Sub-zero.