This quote was used many times by the character 'Fez' in "That 70's Show" television series.
The movie it came from is from WIlly Wonka
Roger Ebert.
From the movie "The Soloist". Robert Downey Jr said it.
It was said by Brad Johnson in the movie Always
"Kelly's Heroes" (1970). Sgt. Oddball said it to Moriarty.
The actual quote from the movie was Glenn Close's character wherein she said "I won't be ignored."
This is a quote on a website for quotes with meaning, however, there is no name to go with this quote. It is not known who said these words, but i am sure they are inspirational to many.
The quote "there is no such thing as a good war" originated from US President Benjamin Franklin.
Ronald Reagan
There doesn't appear to be a quote of "Cartoons are good" by any person of notable fame.
William Wordsworth is the person the quote "The good die first" is attributed to.
Luke 23:34 Then Jesus said, "Father, forgive them they know not what they do."
Dude, you just said, and i quote, "is CAVE cityar a good TOWN". Reread your question.
this is a quotation, please tell me where it s said ?
Benjamin Franklin is the person who the quote "There never was a good war or a bad peace" is attributed to.
I'm not sure she ever did. Most people cite the movie Sabrina as the origin of this quote and while it was in the 1995 remake, Audrey Hepburn never said it in the 1954 original.
Denzel Washington from the movie "The Great Debators"
This quote came from the film A Few Good Men The quote was said by the character Col. Nathan R. Jessup, played by Jack Nicholson, as he was interrogated by Tom Cruise's character.