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Wedding Crashers.

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Q: What movie is the line you shut your mouth when your talking to me?
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Who said You shut your mouth when you're talking to me?

It is a line at the beginning of "Wedding Crashers;" there is a couple going through a bad divorce and they are arguing. The line is also in Edward Burns' movie "The Brothers McMullen," though, from 1995. The brothers talk about what their father used to say and the line is, "You shut your mouth when you're talking to me."

How do you get friends to stop talking about Twilight?

staple their mouth shut

What does hamau your waha mean in hawaiian?

"Hamau ka waha" in Hawaiian translates to "quiet your mouth" or "shut your mouth." It is often used as a phrase to tell someone to stop talking or be quiet.

Button your lips and stop talking rubbish in standard English?

It means keep your mouth shut and stop talking nonsense

What does callate grande la boca mean?

"Callate grande la boca" is a Spanish phrase that translates to "shut your big mouth" in English. It is a way of telling someone to be quiet or stop talking.

How do you get a woman to shut her mouth?

Duct tape her mouth shut.

What are common phrases like shut up?

Put a sock in it, shut your face, close your mouth, shut your trap, be quiet, shut it, hush up, watch it, shh, and.... This is what your doing (make talking movements with your hand), this is what I want you to do .(stop talking with your hand)

Do you say shut your mouth in spanish?

calletela-shut it or callete la boca -shut the mouth

What do you do when a guy covers your mouth with his hand?

you just go with the flow he might have a crush on you or he might of wanted you to shut up if you were talking to much.

What is ferme ta gueule?

"Ferme ta gueule" is a French phrase that translates to "shut your mouth" in English. It is a rude or impolite way of telling someone to be quiet or stop talking.

Is SmackDown Shut Your Mouth on the PS1?

No, WWE SmackDown! Shut Your Mouth is on the PS2, not the PS1.

What are the release dates for Shut the Mouth - 2010?

Shut the Mouth - 2010 was released on: USA: February 2010