This quote was from an M & M commercial in 1972. It is on You Tube as M & M - Go Fish.
A great line that people still use today.
This quote is originally from Aquilies in the movie Troy. However, it is also quoted by Leonidas in the movie 300, in an allusion to the movie 'Troy'.
The quote is from the movie "Waiting..." with Ryan Reynolds, Justin Long and Dane Cook.
The quote at the beginning of the movie (but not the book):"Is not general incivility the very essence of love?"
Marked Cards was created in 1994.
yse and no
Hopalong Cassidy - 1952 Marked Cards 1-19 was released on: USA: 28 October 1952
eGreetings website offers a variety of cards for many occasions. These include: birthday cards, holiday cards, everyday cards, anniversaries, as well as quote cards.
Business Quote Cards
It was from a movie called "it"
This quote is from the movie *The Ten*, directed by David Wain, from 2007.
White Chicks!
Most marked playing cards have small marks, creases or scratches on the back of the card surface. They are typically marked in the same spot on each card.
Movie quote. A movie quotation.