Watch the movie again!
Will Smith and his son share the name Christopher in the movie The Pursuit of Happyness.
In the movie Mr Smith Goes to Washington if he is found guilty then his political career is as good as dead.
Mrs Smith in Mr & Mrs Smith
John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt
John jingle himer smith John jingle himer smith Theobald Boehm designed the modern flute.
the answer to that question is very obvious. first Jon is a carpenter that likes to eat cookies. Jacob is a lawyer that works for judge joe brown to get him corn on the cob.jingle i s santa cluas little little piggie that tells him when your naughty or when your nice. himer is a dog that likes to eat weaners from the ball park. finally smith is a secret agent who was hired to bust out Jon Jacob jingle and himer from the playboy mansion. that is why Jon Jacob jingle himer smit was created.
The song is actually titled John Jacob Jingle Heimer Schmidt. However, the song is just an old children's song that is sung over and over, and not based on a real person.
Stu is played by Ed Helms.
he is making another twilight movie.
Jacob W. Smith was born in 1851.
Jacob Smith was born on January 21, 1990.
Jacob Smith was born on January 21, 1990.
Jacob Smith House was created in 1740.
Jacob W. Smith died in 1926.
Jacob H. Smith was born on 1840-01-29.