Miguel Arenas has: Performed in "In fraganti" in 1933. Played Don Guillermo in "Silencio sublime" in 1935. Played Ricardo del Castillo in "Los muertos hablan" in 1935. Performed in "No basta ser madre" in 1937. Played Don Gonzalo de Ulloa in "Don Juan Tenorio" in 1937. Played Don Fernando in "Refugiados en Madrid" in 1938. Played Don Pietro in "Una luz en mi camino" in 1939. Performed in "Hombres del aire" in 1939. Played Dr. Ernesto Duarte in "Herencia macabra" in 1940. Performed in "Carne de cabaret" in 1941. Performed in "La torre de los suplicios" in 1941. Played Gerardo Villefort in "El conde de Montecristo" in 1942. Performed in "Los dos pilletes" in 1942. Performed in "El verdugo de Sevilla" in 1942. Performed in "El padre Morelos" in 1943. Performed in "Tormenta en la cumbre" in 1943. Performed in "Yolanda" in 1943. Performed in "El rayo del sur" in 1943. Played Conde Dubois de Saligny in "Mexicanos al grito de guerra" in 1943. Played Zar in "Miguel Strogoff" in 1944. Performed in "El amor de los amores" in 1944. Performed in "El gran Makakikus" in 1944. Performed in "El pecado de una madre" in 1944. Played Don Miguel in "Toros, amor y gloria" in 1944. Played Georges Duval in "La dama de las camelias" in 1944. Played Don Placido in "El hijo desobediente" in 1945. Performed in "Lo que va de ayer a hoy" in 1945. Performed in "Recuerdos de mi valle" in 1946. Performed in "Amor de una vida" in 1946. Performed in "Bienaventurados los que creen" in 1946. Performed in "Ocho hombres y una mujer" in 1946. Performed in "Los maderos de San Juan" in 1947. Played Don Belarmino in "Cuando los padres se quedan solos" in 1949. Played Don Felipe in "Anacleto se divorcia" in 1950. Played don Fernando de la Colina in "Una gallega baila mambo" in 1951. Played Don Carlos in "Toast to Love" in 1951. Performed in "Pecado" in 1951. Played Mr. Carlos Bernal in "Reportaje" in 1953. Performed in "Solamente una vez" in 1954. Performed in "Ley fuga" in 1954. Played Don Miguel in "El Vizconde de Montecristo" in 1954. Performed in "El jinete" in 1954. Played Virrey in "La sombra de Cruz Diablo" in 1955. Performed in "Chilam Balam" in 1955. Played Don Enrique del Olmo in "Tizoc" in 1957. Performed in "La guarida del buitre" in 1958. Performed in "Las mil y una noches" in 1958. Performed in "Raffles" in 1958. Performed in "La odalisca No. 13" in 1958. Played Fraile de Lima in "Yo pecador" in 1959. Performed in "El zarco" in 1959. Performed in "Chucho el Roto" in 1960. Played Rabino Mauricio Rosenthal in "Mi madre es culpable" in 1960. Performed in "Los tigres del desierto" in 1960. Played Inquisidor in "Macario" in 1960. Performed in "Elena" in 1961. Performed in "Aventuras de Chucho el Roto" in 1961. Performed in "La captura de Chucho el Roto" in 1961. Played Don Manuel in "Remolino" in 1961. Performed in "La entrega de Chucho el Roto" in 1962. Performed in "Cuanto vale tu hijo" in 1962. Performed in "El profesor Valdez" in 1962. Performed in "En la vieja California" in 1963. Performed in "La sombra blanca" in 1963. Performed in "Tormenta en el ring" in 1963. Performed in "La divina garza" in 1963. Performed in "Voy de gallo" in 1963. Performed in "Los bravos de California" in 1963. Played Presidente municipal in "El charro Negro contra la banda de los cuervos" in 1963. Performed in "Duelo en el desierto" in 1964. Performed in "Las chivas rayadas" in 1964. Performed in "La sonrisa de los pobres" in 1964. Performed in "La calle en que vivimos" in 1965. Performed in "El asesino invisible" in 1965. Played Trinidad in "El hijo de Gabino Barrera" in 1965. Played Profesor in "Un hombre peligroso" in 1965. Performed in "Los asesinos del karate" in 1965. Performed in "El indomable" in 1966. Performed in "Cuando el diablo sopla" in 1966. Performed in "Jinetes de la llanura" in 1966.
Miguel Belmonte has: Played Andreo in "The Kiss" in 2003. Played Marco in "The Love Bite" in 2004. Played Max in "Amber Dreams" in 2010. Played Mario in "Al final" in 2011. Played Eduardo Carrasco in "Sufrir como dedos que no sangran" in 2012. Played Tristan the Agent in "Happy Cancer Chick" in 2012. Played Lorenzo in "Temblor" in 2012. Played Rodolfo in "Cheesecake and Tango" in 2012. Played Santiago in "A Life in Shadows" in 2013. Played Pablo in "Redeploy" in 2013.
Miguel Hurst has: Played Ernesto in "Sozinhos em Casa" in 1993. Played Rui in "Os Andrades" in 1994. Played Jimmy in "Um Sabor a Mel" in 1994. Played Angolano 3 in "Terra Estrangeira" in 1996. Played Artur in "Filhos do Vento" in 1996. Performed in "Afro Lisboa" in 1997. Played Zeca (1997) in "Riscos" in 1997. Played Prisoner in Hospital in "Longe da Vista" in 1998. Performed in "Jornalistas" in 1999. Played Doctor in "Super Pai" in 2000. Performed in "Super Pai" in 2000. Performed in "Regresso a Sizalinda" in 2010. Played Vitor in "Voo Directo" in 2010. Performed in "Njinga Rainha de Angola" in 2013. Played Njali (2013) in "Njinga, Rainha de Angola" in 2013. Played Pedro Mbala in "Os Senhores do Areal" in 2014.
Andrew Miguel has: Played Kenneth in "Astig" in 2009. Played Eric in "Bayaw" in 2009. Played Freshman in "Freshman" in 2009. Played Kaloy in "Muli" in 2010. Played Raymond in "Indie Boys" in 2010.
Miguel Funes hijo has: Performed in "Cara sucia" in 1949. Performed in "Los olvidados" in 1950. Performed in "Retorno al quinto patio" in 1951. Performed in "Casa de vecindad" in 1951. Performed in "Traigo mi 45" in 1952. Performed in "Los hijos de nadie (Dos caminos)" in 1952. Performed in "Siguiendo pistas" in 1960.
The Brooklyn Bridge played themselves as singers in "The Hollywood Palace" in 1964 and in "Della" in 1969.
Amanda Rendall has: Played herself in "Babestation" in 2002. Played herself in "Bluebird TV 1" in 2010. Performed in "Relaxxx" in 2011. Performed in "Bite" in 2011. Played herself in "Shebang TV" in 2011.
Plinky Recto has: Played Herself - Host in "Eat Bulaga" in 1979. Performed in "Over My Dead Body" in 1983. Performed in "Miguel Cordero" in 1985. Performed in "Clarizza" in 1986. Played Rona in "Ismael Zacarias" in 1994. Played Mildred in "Walang matigas na pulis sa matinik na misis" in 1994. Played Princess in "Abrakadabra" in 1994. Performed in "Hanggang sa huling bala" in 1995.
Resu Belmonte has: Performed in "Enredando a la gente" in 1995. Performed in "Plats bruts" in 1999. Performed in "El comisario" in 1999. Played Marga in "Vivancos 3" in 2002. Performed in "Bajo la piel del conflicto" in 2005.
Anastascia Belmonte has: Played Maria in "Treacherous" in 1993. Played Donna McCall in "Walker, Texas Ranger" in 1993. Played Maggie in "Love Street" in 1994. Played Sharon Pearlman in "Ballistic" in 1995. Played Hostess in "Nash Bridges" in 1996.
Mireia Belmonte has: Played herself in "Buenafuente" in 2005. Played herself in "Hora Q" in 2008. Played herself in "Compte enrere" in 2011. Played herself in "8 al dia" in 2011. Played herself in "Premios LFP: Temporada" in 2013. Played Herself - Guest in "La sexta noche" in 2013.
Marcelo Borghi has: Played Cinegrafista in "A Diarista" in 2003. Performed in "A Diarista" in 2003. Performed in "Os Aspones" in 2004. Performed in "Cilada" in 2005. Played Belmonte in "Ciranda de Pedra" in 2008.
Manuel Belmonte has: Played Staff Humorist in "Noche de fiesta" in 1997. Performed in "Periodistas" in 1998. Performed in "El comisario" in 1999. Played himself in "Pasapalabra" in 2000. Played Profesor de gimnasia in "Javier ya no vive solo" in 2002. Performed in "Los Serrano" in 2003. Performed in "Herederos" in 2007.
Andrew Miguel has: Played Kenneth in "Astig" in 2009. Played Eric in "Bayaw" in 2009. Played Freshman in "Freshman" in 2009. Played Kaloy in "Muli" in 2010. Played Raymond in "Indie Boys" in 2010.
Miguel Loureiro has: Performed in "Super Pai" in 2000. Played Nuno in "Lastro" in 2005. Performed in "Liberdade 21" in 2008. Played Paula in "Morrer Como Um Homem" in 2009. Performed in "Maternidade" in 2011.
Miguel Di Giacomo has: Performed in "Mandolinata a mare" in 1917. Performed in "Il nano rosso" in 1917. Performed in "Pusilleco addiruso" in 1918. Performed in "Luna nuova" in 1925. Performed in "Tra i sorrisi di Napoli" in 1926.
Juan Miguel Severo has: Performed in "Brownout sa Neighborhood namin That Day" in 2011. Played Conrad in "I-Libings" in 2011. Played Pickpocket in "Ruweda" in 2012. Performed in "Balang araw" in 2012. Played Pedring in "Taoag" in 2013.
Miguel Ramos Arizpe has: Played El Bolillo in "Yo no creo en los hombres" in 1988. Performed in "KCl doce y cuarto" in 2003. Played Psiquiatra in "El gusano" in 2006. Played Miguel in "Aurora boreal" in 2007. Played El escenografo in "Catarsis" in 2010.
Graziella Schimitt has: Played Paquita (1995-1996) in "Xuxa Hits" in 1994. Played herself in "HermanSIC" in 2000. Played Mina in "Por Toda Minha Vida" in 2006. Played Tina in "A Favorita" in 2008. Played Karina in "Amorais" in 2009. Played Rose in "Flordelis: Basta Uma Palavra Para Mudar" in 2009. Played Paula Belmonte in "Belmonte" in 2013.
Miguel Campello has: Played himself in "Miradas 2" in 2004. Played himself in "Chambao puro" in 2005. Played himself in "Caminando 2001-2006" in 2006. Played Taxista in "Busco" in 2006. Played himself in "No disparen al pianista" in 2007.