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Joan Corbella has: Played himself in "3x4" in 1986. Played himself in "Com a casa" in 1989. Played himself in "La vida en un xip" in 1989. Played himself in "Bon dia, Catalunya" in 1992. Played himself in "Persones humanes" in 1993. Played himself in "Tres senyores i un senyor" in 1993. Played himself in "Dret a parlar" in 1993. Played himself in "Redes" in 1996. Played himself in "El show de la Diana" in 1997. Played himself in "Coses de la vida" in 1999. Performed in "Temps de silenci" in 2001. Played himself in "Jet Lag" in 2001. Played himself in "La meva" in 2013.

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Joan Molina has: Performed in "Maestros" in 2000. Played Fernando in "Hospital Central" in 2000. Played Berenguer March in "Ausias March" in 2003. Played Abuelo playa in "A ras de suelo" in 2005. Performed in "Yo soy Bea" in 2006. Played Don Severino in "Doctor Mateo" in 2009. Played Felipe in "El olivo amarillo" in 2010.

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Carme Molina has: Performed in "Estudio 1" in 1964. Performed in "Lletres catalanes" in 1975. Played Frida in "Lletres catalanes" in 1975. Performed in "La ciutat cremada" in 1976. Played Cissie in "Teatro Club" in 1976. Played Sra. Badia in "Las largas vacaciones del 36" in 1976. Performed in "Els savis de Vilatrista" in 1978. Performed in "Gran teatre" in 1980. Played Madre de Antonio in "La quinta del porro" in 1981. Performed in "Per molts anys" in 1983. Performed in "Marta sempre, Marta tothora" in 1984. Performed in "Carme i David, cuina, menjador i llit" in 1984. Performed in "13 x 13" in 1987. Performed in "Tot un senyor" in 1989. Performed in "Don Jaume, el conquistador" in 1994. Played herself in "Els matins a TV3" in 2004. Played herself in "Sala 33" in 2009. Played Mare in "Mil cretins" in 2011.

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Claudia Molina has: Played Carlota in "Calle nueva" in 1997. Played Gabi (Gabriela) in "Primer amor" in 2000. Played Bea in "Hospital Central" in 2000. Played herself in "Pasapalabra" in 2000. Played Angy in "Esencia de poder" in 2001. Played Carolina Hidalgo in "Ana y los 7" in 2002. Played Herself - Guest in "Ankawa" in 2005. Played Elena Valdemares in "Planta 25" in 2006. Played Herself - Performer in "Gala FAO 2007" in 2007. Played Silvia in "No digas nada" in 2007. Played Lydia in "La que se avecina" in 2007. Played Claudia Molina in "Con pelos en la lengua" in 2009. Played Marisa in "La huella del crimen 3" in 2009. Performed in "Fuera de lugar" in 2009. Performed in "11-M, para que nadie lo olvide" in 2011. Played Vanessa in "Vive cantando" in 2013.

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Tina Molina has: Played Carla in "Hunter: Back in Force" in 2003. Played Amy Rocha in "The Perfect Husband: The Laci Peterson Story" in 2004. Played Reception Clerk in "Veronica Mars" in 2004. Played Salesgirl in "Ordinary Miracles" in 2005. Played Franki in "Soup of the Day" in 2006. Played Justice in "Panman" in 2011. Played Ariel Moore in "Our Footloose Remake" in 2011. Played Tina in "Replacing Death" in 2011.

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Q: What movie and television projects has Carme Molina been in?
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Laura Molina has: Played Herself - Mob Member in "1 vs. 100" in 2006. Played Dancing Nun in "Frank TV" in 2007. Played Mental Patient in "Necessary Evil" in 2008. Played Coffee Shop Waitress in "InAlienable" in 2008. Played Joni Corbett in "Call 911" in 2008.

What movie and television projects has Rodrigo Molina been in?

Rodrigo Molina has: Played Manuel in "Te llamabas Rosicler" in 2002. Performed in "Residencia" in 2004. Played Officer - Stadium in "The Black Pimpernel" in 2007. Played Leopardo in "Te quiero ver muerta" in 2007. Played Lobo-Mau in "O Abajour" in 2011.

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Carme Poll has: Played Carmela in "En brazos de la mujer madura" in 1997. Played Gena in "Under Influence" in 2001. Performed in "Mar de fons" in 2006. Played herself in "A escena" in 2009. Played Sandra in "Et dec una nit de divendres" in 2013. Performed in "Auca del Born" in 2013.

What movie and television projects has Melinda Molina been in?

Melinda Molina has: Performed in "Tondo Boy" in 1962. Performed in "Asiong Meets Alembong" in 1962. Performed in "Ito ang Maynila" in 1963. Performed in "The Macapagal Story" in 1963. Performed in "Limang kidlat" in 1963. Performed in "Dateline Chicago: Arrest the Nurse Killer" in 1976.

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Carme Chaparro has: Played Herself - Newsreader in "Informativos Telecinco" in 1990. Played herself in "Diario de..." in 2004. Played herself in "Maneras de sobrevivir" in 2005. Played herself in "El intermedio" in 2006. Played herself in "Qwerty" in 2007. Played herself in "Gala 20 aniversario" in 2010. Played herself in "XIV Premios Anuales Iris de la Academia de TV" in 2012.

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Wagner Molina has: Played Louco in "O Retrato da Felicidade" in 2006. Played Fiasco in "Cama de Gato" in 2009. Played Roberto in "Fantasmas do Passado" in 2010. Played Genaro in "Cordel Encantado" in 2011. Played Pai in "DES." in 2012. Performed in "A Primeira Missa" in 2014.

What movie and television projects has Miguel de Molina been in?

Miguel de Molina has: Performed in "Alhambra" in 1940. Performed in "Manolo Reyes" in 1944. Performed in "Chuflillas" in 1944. Performed in "Luna de sangre" in 1944. Played himself in "La bien pagada" in 1948. Performed in "Luces de candilejas" in 1956. Played himself in "Miradas 2" in 2004.

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Caloi has: Played (1984) in "Mesa de noticias" in 1983. Played Chofer in "Una historia de tango" in 2000. Played himself in "Imaginadores" in 2008. Performed in "Recordando el show de Alejandro Molina" in 2011. Played himself in "Recordando el show de Alejandro Molina" in 2011.

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Alfonso Molina has: Played Cliente de Sito in "Amar en tiempos revueltos" in 2005. Performed in "La que se avecina" in 2007. Played Padre de Luis in "Gente de mala calidad" in 2008. Performed in "Bandolera" in 2011. Played Locutor radio in "Velvet" in 2013.

What movie and television projects has Flora solar been in?

Flora Soler has: Performed in "La boda de Quinita Flores" in 1943. Performed in "Oro y marfil" in 1947. Played Criada in "Novela" in 1963. Performed in "Carme i David, cuina, menjador i llit" in 1984. Performed in "Quico" in 1992.

What movie and television projects has Andrea Molina been in?

Andrea Molina has: Played Luna in "Sucupira" in 1996. Played Herself (1995) in "De pe a pa" in 1996. Played herself in "Caiga quien caiga" in 2002. Performed in "Teatro en CHV" in 2003. Played Herself - Hostess in "Mujer rompe el silencio" in 2003. Played herself in "Xfea2" in 2004.

What movie and television projects has Carme Forcadell been in?

Carme Forcadell has: Played herself in "30 minuts" in 1984. Played Herself - Guest in "Els matins a TV3" in 2004. Played Herself - Guest in "8 al dia" in 2011. Played herself in "Via llibre" in 2011. Played Herself - Guest in "La Rambla" in 2012. Played Herself - Guest in "Especial informatiu consulta" in 2013. Played herself in "Via catalana" in 2013.