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Adriano Reis has: Performed in "Black Dju" in 1997. Performed in "Fintar o Destino" in 1998. Performed in "Detective Maravilhas" in 2007. Performed in "A Outra" in 2008. Played (2010) in "Voo Directo" in 2010.

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Adriano Reys has: Played Reporter in "A Dupla do Barulho" in 1953. Performed in "Leonora dos sete mares" in 1955. Performed in "O Golpe" in 1956. Played Carlos in "Os Apavorados" in 1962. Played Augusto in "As Sete Evas" in 1962. Performed in "No Tempo dos Bravos" in 1965. Performed in "Se tutte le donne del mondo" in 1966. Played photographer in "Garota de Ipanema" in 1967. Played Eduardo in "Bel Amy" in 1972. Played Jacinto, carriage driver in "Uma Abelha na Chuva" in 1972. Played Luiz Guilherme in "Gente que Transa" in 1974. Played Raul in "A Viagem" in 1975. Played Ivan in "O Julgamento" in 1976. Played Jorge Luiz in "O Direito de Nascer" in 1978. Played Pedro in "Como Salvar Meu Casamento" in 1979. Played Braga in "Menino do Rio" in 1982. Played Leandro in "Final Feliz" in 1982. Played Vinicius in "Amor com Amor Se Paga" in 1984. Performed in "Santa Marta Fabril" in 1984. Played Adriano in "Tititi" in 1985. Performed in "A Menina do Lado" in 1987. Played Renato Filipelli in "Vale Tudo" in 1988. Played William in "Cortina de Vidro" in 1989. Played Alvaro Baronni in "Barriga de Aluguel" in 1990. Played Oswaldo Sampaio in "Mulheres de Areia" in 1993. Played Meirelles in "Quatro por Quatro" in 1994. Played Montenegro in "A Idade da Loba" in 1995. Played himself in "Mundo VIP" in 1996. Played Raul in "Canoa do Bagre" in 1997. Played General Marcondes in "Linha Direta" in 1999. Played Bandeira Dois in "A Lua Me Disse" in 2005.

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Q: What movie and television projects has Adriano Reis been in?
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