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There are 4 main reasons the make the Harry Potter series fantasy:

1. Characters are mainly wizards and witches

2. Characters cast spells using wands

3. Characters use broomsticks and floo powder for transportation

4. The setting is imaginary

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No it is not.

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Because it's not real...

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It isn't.

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In literature, a protagonist is the main character. Harry Potter is the main and prominent character in the Harry Potter Series, so that makes him the protagonist.

What makes Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone fantasy?

There is a half giant, centaurs, people use wands, a hidden platform and a magic train. Amongst other things, its magical.

Who makes Harry Potter series?

J.K. Rowling. (or Warner Brothers, if it is about the films).

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Harry potter! Alwaysworldwide its only makes sense that Harry Potter is much more famous than Elvis... if u look at how many harry potter movies and books in the series have been sold and how many Elvis Presley records have been sold. Harry Potter wins.

What is the name of the potion that makes things larger in the Harry Potter series?

I don't remember there being a potion that makes things larger in harry potter, and I am an avid reader, having read the series several times. There is a spell, Ingorgio, that makes things bigger, but again, I do not remember there being a potion.

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The title of the sixth book in the Harry Potter series is Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince. It was first published in Great Britain in 2005 by Bloomsbury Publishing Plc.

Who makes Harry Potter candies?

Jelly Belly makes Harry Potter candies and also sells Harry Potter candies. These candies include Bertie Bott's Every Flavor Beans and Harry Potter Chocolate Frogs.

Who makes the Harry Potter movies?

The HARRY POTTER movies are produced by Warner Bros.

How many sentences in the Harry Potter series?

Umm...well the first book has 3532-. go count yourself you twit. What makes you think someone has no life and counts all the sentences in the Harry Potter series?

What is the thing that makes Daniel Radcliffe so famous?

His role in the harry potter films. He has become an icon for the entire series

What is the original meaning of Harry Potter?

Harry Potter is an English name. 'Harry' is the Middle English form of Henry 'Potter' a potter is a person who makes earthen vessels