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"Ugly Betty" is based on a Colombian telenovela that has inspired similar shows in Mexico, India, Russia and Germany.

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betty works for mode

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Mode Magazine

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Q: What magazine does ugly betty work for?
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At which elite fashion magazine does Betty Suarez work on Ugly Betty?


In the US version where does Ugly Betty work?

At MODE, a fashion magazine

In ugly betty what job does willamina have?

In the first season she is the creative director of Mode Magazine.

America Ferrera stars in Ugly Betty as an employee at what sort of company?

A magazine company at Meade Publications, called Mode magazine.

Is ugly Betty awesome?

Yes Ugly Betty IS awesome! ** no ugly betty is ugly and bettyey

When was Ugly Betty created?

Ugly Betty was created on 2006-09-28.

Who are the flat characters for ugly betty?

ugly betty= America ferera -sarben

Who the real ugly Betty?

Ugly Betty's real name is America Ferrera.

How do you say ugly betty in french?

You can say : "Betty la moche" But it is also called "Ugly Betty" in France...

Which comedy features an unfashionable secretary for a fashion magazine?

"The Devil Wears Prada" is a comedy that features an unfashionable secretary working for a fashion magazine editor.

Who played Ugly Betty?

America Ferrara plays Betty on Ugly Betty America Ferrera plays the character Ugly Betty. She also has done the Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants series as well.

What happened to Daniel's wife Molly in Ugly Betty?

I HAVE NO IDEa i dont watch ugly betty