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Q: What level do skills have to be in myth war 2 to get red rank?
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What rank do you get a bull in red dead redemption?

Level 50, or Legend 1.

What rank do you get the first bull in red dead redemption?

you unlock the first bull at level 50

In red dead redemption what level do you unlock the zebra?

you have to rank up to level 50 online 3 times to unlock the zebra

What level is a red sash in Kung Fu?

This will vary from school to school. The Red Sash is often immediately before the Black Sash (advanced or instructor level) or after the black sash to denote a Master Rank.

What level do you get the buffalo rifle in red dead?

single player: you have to reach master hunter rank five and then buy it from blacksmiths online multiplayer: reach level 50

What rank do you have to be mail for the friend area on Pokemon Red rescue?

superior rank,endless rank baby,email rank

What is the highest rank in Pokemon Red rescue team?

Lucario rank

How do you raise your sharpshooter rank after rank 5 on red dead redemption?

you cant

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What is the highest rank you can be in Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Red Rescue Team?

Lucario Rank is the highest rank in Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Red Rescue Team. That is also true for Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Blue Rescue Team.

What is the myth of the red devil?

The myth of the red devil is that he is always red because the fires of hell are associated as being red or hot so therefore the devil having dwelled there for eternity he too turns red with both the head and his rage for being disbanded from heaven.

What happens when you become the Lucario rank in red resuce?

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