The feminine given name Emily originally derives from the feminine form of the Latin name Aemilius. This proud, noble, and distinguished name also has roots in the Old German and Teutoniclanguages.
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Emily Hache's birth name is Emily Gmerek.
Emily Jewel's birth name is Emelia Placak.
Yes Emily is a very pretty name everyone is like i want to name my kid Emily
Emily Blunt's birth name is Emily Olivia Leah Blunt.
The name Emily is the feminine form of Emil, which comes from the Roman family name Aemilius, which was derived from Latin aemulus meaning "rival".
The name Emily is the feminine form of Emil, which comes from the Roman family name Aemilius, which was derived from Latin aemulus meaning "rival".
The name Emily means "industrious; striving." It is derived from Latin.
C-language was derived from B-language.
Emily is originally a Latin name, so it has no meaning in Either Hebrew or Yiddish.In Latin, the name Emily comes from the Roman family name Aemilius, which was derived from aemulus meaning "rival".
No, it is derived from the Spanish Language.
Magnesium: the name is derived from Magnesia, a county in Greece.Polonium: the name is derived from Polonia (Latin language name of Poland).
No, it is derived from the Greek language.
Compaq was the name of a computer company, not a language. It derived its name from COMPatibility And Quality.
No, Lynae is not a French name. It is derived from the English language.
The word bravissimo is derived from the Italian language. It is now the name of a famous bra store which can be found in Europe as well as around the world.
The name radium is derived from the Latin language word radius, equivalent to radiation.