The Jonas Brothers use Gibson Guitars
Orange amps. Gibson Guitars.
Seether is endorsed by Schecter guitars, however, I believe the green acoustic Shaun is known to play is made by Ibanez.
THey use the Zebrahead guitar of coarse. They are only made by ,Santa and his magical elves on the island of Santaland. You think santa stops working during the summer well you're wrong. Santa makes his magical guitars all summer long and the zebraheads come and get them. You should go and see a zebrahead play the guitar santa makes every one with love. Santa is nice. OOOOOOOOOOOOKKKKKKKKKKKKK zebrahead is too kickass to get guitars from santa, they get them from the Easter bunny OBVIOUSLY. but it doesnt matter cause they are the greatest band EVA
Frank Zappa mainly used a Gibson SG (often a red one), or a least was famous for his SG playing, he did use multiple guitars, example: in the Video version of "does Humour belong in Music" he (and occasionally Ike Willis) used a fender telecaster, however in "the Torture Never stops" video he used a les Paul, and again has a les Paul on the cover for "shut up and play yer guitar" (the box set edition with all three shut up and play yer guitars, not the single album).
lamb of god, chimaira, atreyu, i think killswitch engage, children of bodom
taylor and gibson guitars
I'm pretty sure that Jared and Sameer (from Flyleaf) use PRS guitars.
Well, that depends on which game it is. Guitar Hero I and II can only use two guitars. Guitar Hero 3 can use two guitars, but Guitar Hero: World Tour can use a whole band set of two guitars, a microphone and a drum set. Though it is rumored you can use up to 3 guitars in Guitar Hero 5. Even still, the majority of these games limit it to two guitars.
Roland has always been fond of the big sound Gretsch guitars gives but he also plays Fender Stratocaster and Telecaster guitars as well.On the more recent Tears For Fears tours, Roland has been playing a Gibson ES-137 Custom. He has both a red and a blue model.
just use the information you know on electric guitars
You can't use 3 guitars. You can only have 2, one bass and one lead.
they use drums,gongs,flutes,guitars and that it really by sir mozmo they use gongs,drums,guitars and flutes by SIR MOZMO
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What's special about Larrivee guitars is that many popular artists use them during their shows and concerts. The guitars are very high quality and are durable.
mostly esp he even has his own line of signature esp guitars
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