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Q: What kind of people are the wealthy people?
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What were the kind of people who went on pilgrimages?

People who were strongly religious and wealthy enough to travel.

What kind of clothing do people wear in Botswana?

saris for poorer people and western clothes for the wealthy

What kind of people came to Delaware?

they had a trading and thriving economy in which then they were very wealthy :)...i think

What kind of people did Hamilton believe were best suited to run the government?

the wealthy and educated class

What kind of clothing did Kings wear in ancient China?

the wealthy people in ancient china wore silk

Are there more wealthy Caucasian people than wealthy African American people?

There are many more wealthy Caucasian people than wealthy African American people.

What are some adjectives that describe a wealthy person and begin with the letter C?

Some wealthy people are cheap. Many wealthy people are wealthy because they are creative.

Why did Mother Teresa not like wealthy people?

Mother Teresa did not dislike wealthy people. In fact, many wealthy people helped support her work.

How do you use the word wealthy in a sentence?

wealthy people should help poor people.

How wealthy is Albania?

Not too wealthy but people have a good life there

What do wealthy people wear?

clothes of course. the wealthy people are not different from all other people around the world. the only difference might be that the wealthy people wear designer clothes for instance.

Are Greek people wealthy or poor?

Greece has both wealthy people and poor people. But many are middle class.