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kepi hats

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Q: What kind of hat does roc royal wear?
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Related questions

Were does roc royal get his hats?

roc royal gets his hats from a paid hat maker

Why does roc royal always wear a hat from mindless behavior?

Because his hair is puffy and he likes hats

Who is stronger out of prodigy or roc royal?

Roc Royal Thats Why He Wear Longsleeve!

Were does roc royal get his hats from?

paid hat maker

Did roc royal wear a cast?


What kind of girls do roc royal like?

roc royal like a girl that is smart,pretty and mindless

What would roc royal look like without a hat?

Lil fizz

What kind of gi rls does roc royal like?

roc royal likes girls who are confident and have cool swagger

Does roc royal from mindless behavior wear earrings?

Yes he does

What size clothes roc royal wear?

5 in boys

How does roc royal from mindless behavior do his hair?

He puts his hair into a ponytail and wears a hat.

What is Roc Royal's Facebook name?

His name on facebook is Roc Royal or Roc mindless behavior Royal