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The fish are grouper fish.

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Q: What kind of fish in net at end of Nemo?
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What is the End in Finding Nemo?

When the sharks help the dad find nemo and they say, FISH ARE FRIENDS,NOT FOOD!

Is there dolphins in Finding Nemo?

Yes, at the very end when Nemo, Dory, and Nemo's dad tell all the TUNA fish to swim down so they can escape the net. :)

What is nemo and dory's scientific names in finding nemo?

The fish with a light on its head in Finding Nemo is anAngler fishLat: "Linophryne arborifera" Meaning: "toad that fishes with a net "

What is an example of parasitism in Finding Nemo?

An good example is when people catch fish, like Nemo and put them in tanks. The fish lose their freedom, while people get something nice to look at, clearly a win-lose scenario.

What did nemo get captured by?

Nemo gets captured through a fishing net.

What is another name for a fish trap?

A fish trap is also commonly known as a fish basket, fish cage, or fyke net.

What is the Tongan for fish net?

Did you mean "what is fish net in tongan" if you did, then it's Kupenga..

What sweep net?

It is a fairly general term for a net, though commonly the style of insect net with a large round opening at one end affacttive at catching dispersed or agile insects alternatively a type of net used for harvesting fish in aquaculture. It has weights attached to one end which are dropped into the enclosure and then the the other corners are pulled and raised up so the fish are caught in a sort of pouch.

How do you train a fish to jump?

# Get a apple # put the apple on top of the fish # put the fish in a net # fling the net causing the fish to jump

How do you catch fish with fishnet?

The best Way is to put some bait under the net at the the low end where your hands could reach. then, stand three steps back, and wait till you see the fish once you have, grab the net and scoop!

What is the meaning of net as in fishing net?

it is the net you use to catch the fish in

How do you protect fishes?

go to the fish store and buy a fish net that hooks onto the tank then put the baby fish in the net no other fish will be able to get in