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Your foot....

Or you could get some bug spray. The same kind of stuff that would kill ants and roaches.... However if you are trying to get caterpillars off of your plants don't use any harmful chemicals because they will most likely murder your plants.

In that case you could get some weed killer.

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Q: What kills caterpillars?
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Bacillus thurienginces is a bacteria. A helpful bacteriaUsed to control garden pests, BT causes certain caterpillars to develop a disease that kills them, but is harmless to people.

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A group of caterpillars is called an army of caterpillars.

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no caterpillars dont eat other caterpillars or people they eat plants and protein.

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The collective noun is an army of caterpillars.

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Do caterpillars exist?

Without caterpillars we would have no butterflies.

Do caterpillars eat beetles?

yes! beetles eat caterpillars because caterpillars cannot eat beetles because they are softer and smaller so, beetles some do it caterpillars.

What kind of caterpillars turn into wasps and beetles?

Caterpillars do not turn into wasps or beetles. The only type of insect that caterpillars turn into are moths or butterflies.