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Bill and Ben Flowerpot Men

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Q: What kids show did Little Weed appear?
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Is degrassi a show for little kids?

In the US it is showed on teen nick so its more of a show for teenagers than it is for little kids. Most little kids wouldn't understand the situations and problems that are on there.

Which kids tv show did the muppets first appear?

Sesame Street

Does Barney beat little kids on the show?

yes he does because he suffers through that show

Is the regular show a kid show?

yes its for kids but its not aimed at little kids because its rated TVPG so its aimed at 12-15

Is happy tree friends a good show?

No, it is not a good show for little kids or animal lovers because it kills little animals.

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Is Pokemon a kids show in japan?

Yeah, its kodomo, which means its for little kids, like Hello Kitty and Beyblade.

Is dragonball a little kids show?

no its not for kids under 14 due to goku being naked in about 14 episodes

What medicines will show up as methadone or weed in a urine test?

Um. Methadone and Weed would probably show up as Methadone and Weed.

How does the film the mighty show innocence?

With little kids, midgets, and ish like that.

Why did PeeWee leave?

PeeWee left because his show was to inappropriate for little kids to watch.

Will Justin Bieber appear in My Little Pony Friendship is Magic?

No, it has never been announced or in any way suggessted that Justin Bieber will appear on the television show My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic.