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Flippy has a severe case of post traumatic stress disorder. Also, while fighting in the Vietnam War, he was exposed to a chemical known as Agent Orange

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13y ago

Flippy from happy tree friends suffers from ptsd (post traumatic stress disorder) from the war. It is a disorder that occurs aftrer a traumatic experience that mainly affects soldiers.

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Q: What is wrong with flippy why is he mad all the time?
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Is he mad at you or is he mad at something else. maybe you should give time to cool off or give him time to get things settled in the family or his problems. or you could just ask him nothing is wrong about asking him just let him know that ur not mad at him you would just like to know if it was ur fault or not? hope that helped.

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Central Asia I think don't get mad at me if its wrong

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well the only reason the girl would get mad in the frist place was cause the boyfriend did something wrong, a girl dosent just get mad for no reason. Some thing has to be bothering her obivously.

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It all depends on why they are mad in the first place, apologise and try go put whatever they are mad about right (if you have done something wrong) if you havent done anything wrong and they are mad because you are "different" to other people then there is probably nothing more that you can do other than to speak to them calmly and ask them to accept who you are.

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No its not wrong to be mad at all... it sounds like this guy was seeing if you were interested before dumping his girlfriend, that way if you werent interested he'd still have his girlfriend. cut your losses and move on!!:)

Are flaky and flippy in love?

People love Flippy and Flaky together because she is his closest friend. He didn't kill her in some episodes: "Party Animal". "Double Whammy" and "Without A Hitch". He also tried to save her in Without A Hitch, but she was too scared of him. So she is the character he cares the most for.