The VirtualBark is a great online game where you can bring up a dog.
you have to make them breed by dancing
Clik on the change password button
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foopets virtualbark heavy games addicting games horse tycoon fish tycoon Club Penguin WolfQuest(download) neopets insanaquarium fishland
There's a very fun game called Foopets where you can adopt a cute pet. Alao, Mweor Furry-paws Bella Sarah VirtualBark There were others but i 4got Another really good one is aramii it's really addictive it's kind of like neopets but aimed toward an older crowd. If you need help there I'm tozrma.
YES virtualbark is a good site and you do not have to lie you're age i am only ten and i put in my real age and i let me join but on the chat be very carefull because there are alot of rude people on that site asking for sex and if you are single do not lie you're age because you never no he/she might Evan be a peadophile asking to get in contact with you do not tell anyone were you live you're address or anything. Just try to be safe on this website please xxx =}
The best dog breeding games are Foopets and Virtualbark. Brambleclaw lover17703, is the best virtual dog breeding game in the world! Im adicted to it. My player ID is 6411 so please referr me!=) is great! Its a 3D no download free virtual world!!! There is also... Starchat is an online virtual world where you can create your own unique virtual avatar, play virtual multiplayer games, furnish your own crib, collect virtual pets, meet friends, and express yourself on a whole new level - become a star, set the trends, and claim your fame. Starchat - the only place where you can become an instant virtual celebrity. facebook ( 13 or over ) moshimonsters (fun for all ages) mokitown (i dont know how to get on it ) thebluething( lots of games for all ages ) flowgo ( cartoon game ) habbohotel( i think you have to be 13)
A good site for girls is websites for girls and boys are Poptropica, Club Penguin, Webkinz, and Millsberry. Also Nicktropolis, MoshiMonsters, Shineysearch,, and games, sites such as Miniclip, Disney, and Addicting GamesAlso interesting are Neopets, Foopets, Virtualbark, and MAFkidsclub (My Animal Friends).---Cute photos of Cats at (free) - Nickelodeon Official Website, where kids can play games and watch clips of their favorite (free) - CN (free) - For young girls to have fun.Main Websites Of The (free) - Site where you can upload, rate, comment & watch billions of (free) - Stay connected with your follows or follow celebrities & (free) - Stay in contact with all your friends and (free) - # 1 Search Engine in The (free) - # 1 Internet Encyclopedia In The World, where you can look up famous people, locations, and events, etc.If you like Videogames/Technology/ (free, merchandise sold) (free) - Read and watch Videogame reviews and pre-game confrences like E3 live on (free) - Read and watch Videogame reviews on (merchandise) (books, music and merchandise) (shopping site)If you like Pro-Wrestling/ (free) - WWE - TNA - UFC (free) - WWE/TNA Pro-Wrestling (free sign up) - One of the most popular wrestling forums today---
I am the same age, I like our world, ggg (go girl games) is a website with lots of games, try animal shelter and pet party and good game fashion and the make up games, thes are my favourite games on the site but there are lots including snail bob and more. Also try guess a sketch.