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Q: What is venetian approach to reporting?
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The florentine vs venetian approach to reporting?


What is the Florentine and the Venetian approach to reporting?

The Venetian style of reporting, puts the debits on the left side of the accounting sheet, across credits. It uses several cross-indexed books. This style became the model for the ledger sheets of today. In the Florentine style, at least one item is debited, and one credited. In this system the total number of debits is equal to the total number of credits.

What are good credit reporting agencies?

Credit reporting agencies are agencies who are dealing with credits.If you want to investigate somebody with regards to her or his previous credit performance, then credit reporting agencies are the place for you to approach.

Where can one find expense reporting software?

You can buy expense reporting software from online stores or directly from the supplier. If you prefer the hands on approach, you can visit stores like walmart or staples.

Where are the Venetian Canals?

The Venetian Canals are in Venice, Italy.

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When was Venetian grosso created?

Venetian grosso was created in 1193.

When was Venetian Bird created?

Venetian Bird was created in 1952.

When was Venetian Agreement created?

Venetian Agreement was created in 2006.

When was Venetian Theatre created?

Venetian Theatre was created in 1888.

When was Venetian Causeway created?

Venetian Causeway was created in 1913.

When did Venetian lira end?

Venetian lira ended in 1807.