It provides a means of obtaining water samples at selected depths below the surface. It consists of an open ended clear plastic cylinder that can be attatched to the hydrographic wire and lowered to any desired depth.
Philip Dorn's birth name is Niet, Hein van der.
Alisha is a very pretty blind girl. She meets Bobby and she trys to help him. I think she likes bobby and bobby likes her. But you can't tell.
Franchelle Stewart Dorn's birth name is Franchelle Nadine Stewart.
The cast of Helen Dorn - 2014 includes: Thomas Balou Martin Marie Bendig Stephan Bissmeier as Falk Mattheissen Volkmar Kleinert as Erwin Geige Roland Koch Bettina Lamprecht as Bettina Georgi Arne Lenk Anna Loos as Helen Dorn Matthias Matschke as Gregor Georgi Harald Schrott as Michael Cornelius Jasmin Schwiers Matthias Ziesing as Jens Bergheim
Leo Van Dorn
Mildred Van Dorn is 5' 3".
Andrew Van Dorn is 5' 9 1/2".
Earl Van Dorn was born on 1820-09-17.
Mildred Van Dorn died on June 5, 2004.
Mildred Van Dorn's birth name is Mildred Lunnay.
Mildred Van Dorn was born on November 10, 1910, in New York City, New York, USA.
Philip Dorn's birth name is Niet, Hein van der.
His Father
Van Dorn
General Van Dorn
Earl Van Dorn