its like theo steveson theo is a name of a boy theo steveson is my faveroite theo is a serten name
Theo Paphitis is 5' 10".
Theo Altmeyer died in 2007.
Theo Gries was born on 1961-02-10.
Theo Wade Brown died in 2002.
Theo Marshall goes by Blues, Boss, and Chicago.
Theo is short for Theodore (Theodorus). It is of Greek origin meaning 'gift of God'.
The cast of Detective Short - 1914 includes: Theo Salem as Jim Short
Theo is usually short for Theos deriving from the greek word meaning God.
They were Theo and Cor (short for Cornelius).
It is short for Theodor(e). Their father was named Theodorus. The Dutch love abbreviated first names.
Theo Paphitis is 5' 10".
Theo Humblet has written: 'Theo Humblet, tekeningen en akwarellen' 'Theo Humblet'
Dr. Seuss was the illustrator of most of his own books. If he did not illustrate the books, he wrote them under the pen name of Theo LeSeig. Theo was short for Theodore. LeSeig was his real last name backwards.
theo crisp
Theo James's birth name is Theo Taptiklis.
Theo Nabuurs's birth name is Nabuurs, Theo.
Theo Hinz's birth name is Theo Geyer.