the English word of sinusubaybayan is watching or guiding.
it's called I'VE BEEN WATCHING YOU! Stupid!Answer 2It's called Watching you. You first off don't have to call people STUPiD! thanks.& secondd off it is I've been watching. okay, dueces. -jbeezy2013
Dang is a by-word, a word used in place of a curse word, in this case, d__n. It is not as offensive as a curse word, but still indicates a weak vocabulary and does not really say anything. My advice is to avoid using it.
Don't take my word on this, but I've listened to the song in slow motion over twenty times and looked up the official lyrics (which don't say it) but listening to it play-by-play, I think he says "Because I love you... isn't it obvious?" Great question!
You have to find the right one if you are looking for JUST word searches. They add other searches in because some people enjoy variety.... I think.
Yes, "attention" is a noun. It refers to the act or state of applying the mind to something, or the action of carefully listening or watching someone or something.
The act of secretly listening/watching/surveying someone is called 'surveillance'. If you are listening in on a private conversation, it could be said that you are keeping a surveillance over them. However, there is another word for listening in on a conversation you are not a part of - and that is eavesdropping. It means to hang nearby and listen in without them being aware of you presence.
The word "listening" can be divided into syllables as: lis-ten-ing.
the star performer in the play was a graceful ballerina. :)
The word 'listening' when translated to Indonesian is mendengarkan.
I was listening to my mom talk.
People like watching athletics in the Olympics.
The word 'watching' is the present participle of the verb to watch (I am watching, they are watching). The present participle of the verb is also an adjective (the watching crowd), and a gerund, a verbal noun. Gerunds are uncountable nouns.
Actor? maybe?
creative...i guess..