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hey I'm not 100 percent sure but i think that accents are those things above a note- like this... > apart from they would be above a note on a stave or whatever the lines are called. anyway i think that they mean you punch the note out more and make it sound more important when you are playing an instrument

hope this could help I'm not entirely sure but it might be worth typing some of what i have said and see what comes up

hope you find what you are looking for!!! and also it makes notes harder and tells the person to hit the note hard

There are a couple of different types of accents, and a couple of different accent symbols. In general, an accent means to play that note a little stronger, either hit the key on the piano harder, or tongue a note harder on a wind instrument, or strike the note harder on a percussion instrument. The accent that looks like the greater than sign mentioned above is one type of accent. It means what I just said. There is also one that looks like ^ which many people called a rooftop, but it is actually a symbol that means sforzando, which is a very strong accent, although in jazz it generally means to play the note short also.

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