The Old Thrush, one of the species of Great Thrush that lived in the Esgaroth region, told Bard that Smaug had a hole in his armored chest right over his heart.
There are plenty of idioms in The Hobbit, though one of the most important (I believe a whole chapter is dedicated tot he idea) is "out of the frying pan into the fire, or out of the cauldron into the fire.
Butcher the Weak was created in 379.
As weak and inadequate
Weak - SWV song - was created in 1991.
The Elves felt they were being attacked and responded in kind. Since Thorin refused to tell them why he was in their realm, for fear they would want some of the treasure (he coveted the Arkenstone and feared others would try to take it), they decided to imprison him just to be safe. The Elves distrusted the Dwarves, and they had, for many years, been seen as beggars.
New jersey favored the weak government :)
The weak part of a girl is her private partThe weak part of a girl is her private part
bill of rights
Weak is an adjective in that sentence. It describes the noun "answer".
Grass is weak to Flying. Since Bulbasaur is part Grass-type, it gets raped by Spearow, who is part Flying-type.
yes he was he never led and when he did come up with a plan it was a weak one. Instead of standing up and doing his ancestors proud he left the dirty work to Bilbo yet Bilbo never truly gets recognized for being the one to fins smaug's soft spot, Bilbo is under appreciated for a while in the novel.
He had a plan on how to accomplish what was needed and when he died his plan died with him. Andrew Johnson inherited the plan, but he was in a politically weak position which caused problems.
Yes, because a weak western Europe (without the Marshall Plan) would be vulnerable to Soviet aggression.
There was never much of a logical chance for the dwarves to reclaim their treasure. Bilbo just happened to be in the right place at the right time for a series of unlikely things to occur. Without his help, they would never have made it to the mountain. They only got into the door because he understood the riddle just in time. And without his information about Smaug's weak spot, Bard would not have known how to kill the dragon. Bilbo and his ring are the missing pieces of the puzzle, and he is the reason the story turned out so well