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The dog blown by the grenade

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Q: What is the viewpoint of Heroes by Robert Cormier?
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Why was heroes by Robert cormier written?

"Heroes" by Robert Cormier was written to explore complex themes such as heroism, morality, and the impact of war on individuals. The novel delves into the moral dilemmas faced by the protagonist, Francis Cassavant, as he struggles with guilt, loyalty, and the true meaning of heroism. Additionally, Cormier uses the story to examine how society perceives and glorifies heroes.

What are the charactes in heroes by Robert cormier?

Francis Cassavant Larry LaSalle Nicole Renard

What is the birth name of Robert Cormier?

Robert Cormier's birth name is Robert Edmund Cormier.

What was the price of baby Ruth candy in the 1940s?

according to the book heroes by robert cormier in 1941 it was 5 cent :)

Who was Robert Cormier wife?

Connie Cormier

Robert cormier death?

Robert Cormier died of lung cancer in 2000.

What is Robert Cormier's birthday?

Robert Cormier was born on January 17, 1925.

When was Robert Cormier - colonist - born?

Robert Cormier - colonist - was born in 1602.

When did Robert Cormier die?

Robert Cormier died on November 2, 2000 at the age of 75.

What is the birth name of Lance Cormier?

Lance Cormier's birth name is Lance Robert Cormier.

How old was Robert Cormier at death?

Robert Cormier died on November 2, 2000 at the age of 75.

When did Robert Coe - colonist - die?

Robert Cormier was born on January 17, 1925.