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25 - 100 bucks depending on condition

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Q: What is the value of a Harrison G Otis maple chair from Cohasset Colonials?
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Related questions

What is an Adirondack chair?

An Adirondack chair is a lumber camp chair with fanned back that is traditinally constructed of cedar, maple, pine, or fir. Often they are painted.

Can you make a sentence using the word chair?

"Here, sit in this chair." The chair was made out of fine maple wood with an oak finish. He made a living off of selling tables and chairs.

Why did Hortensia get put in the chokey?

In the novel: because she put some maple stuff on the trunchbulls chair. In the movie: it is unknown.

What is a good chair you can get at lvl 23 in Maplestory?

As I remember its call the relaxer. You can get that from Maple Island if you're a adventurer. The quest is from Pio

How do you use a Store Remote Controller in Maple Story?

Hook up the remote to the computer. And if you're lucky, there will be a card in your puchase. If there's a code in it, activate that code on Maple story in the Cash Shop to get you're special chair.

How do you get the maple story chairs?

You can get the Amorian Loveseat chair from the APQ (Amorian Party Quest). The Ariant Party Quest needs you to get 200 points for the Palm Tree Beach Chair. That's all I got so far.

What actors and actresses appeared in The Paranormalists - 2008?

The cast of The Paranormalists - 2008 includes: Chester Maple as Chance Aubery Matt Ritchey as Mark Harrison Erin Spencer as Kylie Harrison Scott Thomas Towler as Ben Bennett

How do you get a chair in maple story better than the relaxer?

im afaired u have to buy one or do the idians quest ok hope this helps hugs and kisses

What are names of different kinds of maple leaves?

They are sugar maple, Norway maple, silver maple, sweet maple.

Syrup made from the sap of what tree is a popular topping for waffles and pancakes?

Maple syrup is made from the sap of the Maple Tree.

Did Thomas Jefferson invent the combination ironing board step ladder stool chair?

I understood that it was designed and made by the Amish from maple. They are renowned for their innivative designs of multiple-use pieces of furniture and equipment,

What is maple's rating on the Janka hardness scale?

it would depend on the species of maple. hard maple? red maple? etc. hard maple = 1450, red maple = 950