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Stating an actual value on the sewing machine has several factors. The condition it's in, the extra's it comes with, the age, whether or not it has a case and the condition of the case, and, often times, the color as well. I believe the serial number AL313945 belongs to a 1953 Singer 221, or as more commonly referred to, the Featherweight. Even though this year isn't extra old compared to Singer's timeline it is still a sought after machine. It is said that in mint condition with a mint case and with everything that originally came with it, they have fetched as much as a couple thousand dollars. In most cases however, working machines of this type and year generally go anywhere from $100 to $400.

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The Singer Sewing Machine was made on April 16, 1952 in Elizabeth, New Jersey at the Elizabethport factory. There were 25,000 made that day.

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