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Q: What is the tone of Holmes' words?
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What is the tone of Holmes words in the adventure of the speckled band?


What are some tone words?

I think you're confusing tone with mood. Tone is the attitude of the author, and is automatic whenever you write to any audience. There are no special "tone words." Of course, there are no special "mood words" either -- authors use many words to make a mood.

Which words best describe the tone of Winston Churchill's speech?

An inspirational tone

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Words emotions and tone of voice are all elements of?

speaking The words, emotions and tone of voice are all elements of speech.

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What is the tone of the gypsy's words?

The tone of the gypsy's words is mysterious and foreboding, hinting at hidden knowledge and darker truths.

What nicknames does Antonio Holmes go by?

Antonio Alfonseca goes by El Pulpo, and The Octopus.

What is tone?

Tone is the use of pitch in language to distinguish words.

Which statement best describes the effect of word choice on the tone of the excerpt?

words like “violence“ and “bloodshed” give the excerpt a threatening tone

What is the author tone or attitude toward the government What words and phrases convey her tone?

The author's tone towards the government appears critical, skeptical, or even disapproving. Words and phrases that convey this tone could include "inefficient bureaucracy," "excessive regulations," or "lack of transparency."

What are some English words used to express tone in literature?

You may use any words you wish to express tone. Tone means the writer's attitude -- it's usually shown in the words chosen, the level of writing, the way the author writes, and the language used by the author. You create tone automatically when you write for different audiences.